January 6, 2008

Lost art of writing…

Posted in 7 Habits, FountainPens, Paper at 12:10 am by a11en

Apica Wire-Bound Notebook

A recent TED lecture was just posted. I’m a sometimes TED watcher, often disagree-er, but often agree-er as well. [Sorry for the mangled english- sometimes making up words is just more easier than using real ones.]

The lecture was short and sweet. In the lecture, Lakshmi Pratury discusses the legacy her father left to her. The interesting thing, is the legacy he left wasn’t monetary. It was his written word. [Apparently wordpress hates TED embedded video… so here’s a link: Lakshmi Pratury on why you should write.]

You see, her father passed away and left her a journal and letters he wrote to and about her. He tried to convey to her his thoughts on things, especially on her (how to improve and I’m sure what not to change). In this manner he left her something tangible and intangible at the same time. Something of his own hand, that she can now hold, and something of his own thought, that she can turn to when missing him.

That is an amazing example of what the written word can do. Touching ink to paper can mean much more than just a half-hour of your time to address a loved one. If you’re like me, you have so much going on in your life that often doing just that is the last thing on your mind.

I implore you to take out that stationery, that fine fountain-pen, that special “Haute Couture” ink, and spend a few moments writing. [I will do the same.]

November 25, 2007

PaperPhilia- Midori Japan’s Traveler’s Notebook

Posted in FountainPens, Paper at 12:40 am by a11en

My love of fountain-pens (FPs) has produced side-effect loves that I never thought would happen when I first put ink into my first serious FP. The side loves have included excellent ink and excellent paper. I’ve discussed the effect of ink and paper on writing experience in the past (FPs -v- BPs). Molly, from whom I purchased my first Japanese notebooks (Apica), sent me a journal to get my opinions on it. I have to admit not being sure of this journal at first, but a bit of digging and using has solidified some things about it, and I wanted to share them here. I’ll have to devote a different post to discussing the Apica notebooks (as I’ve fallen hard for them). I’ve reviewed the Apica on the FountainPenNetwork’s forum in the recent past, so I’ll wait on that review for another time.

Midori Traveler's Notebook

(More images and my review after “more”…)

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